2022 Steering Committee Election
Vote for the 2022-2023 Steering Committee
As is now customary, this fall is Steering Committee election season for Kubernetes. Four(4) elected members (@cblecker, @justaugustus, @parispittman, @tpepper) will stay on for the remaining year of their terms, and there will be three (3) positions open for election. Every election term will be 2 years. More complete information on the election may be found in the voter's guide.
Instructions on using Elekto can be found in its docs site
If you’d like to vote or run for a seat, all details and next steps are outlined in the election process doc and this application. The application will be the single source of truth of information for this cycle. It will be updated live as new bios of candidates get committed.
Please pay attention to the scheduled dates.
Eligibility for voting will be determined by 50 contributions to a Kubernetes project over the past year and Kubernetes Org membership. Eligible voters will be shown as such by this site when logged in. If you should be eligible, but are not, you may also file for an exception.